Ali Kazma and Mari Spirito

Festival Talks

April 9, 2016 / 16:00

Pera Film hosts a series of events in the context of the 35th Istanbul Film Festival, organized by the Istanbul Foundation for Culture and Arts (IKSV). As part of Festival Talks, Ali Kazma and Mari Spirito come together on Saturday, April 9th at 16:00.

Video artist Ali Kazma and independent curator Mari Spirito will be discussing the organic and sometimes invisible bonds between video and cinema, as well as the interaction between video art and the world. Representing Turkey at the Venice Biennale with Resistance, and later examining art production with his works Atelier Sarkis, Play and Film, Ali Kazma in his videos, poses questions that assess the importance and meaning of labour, as well as today’s organizational structure of economy, production and society. Ali Kazma’s primary concern in his works is how the human production transforms its environment and the world, and how the world, in turn, shapes the human.

Free of admissions. The talk will be in English with simultaneous translation to Turkish.
Limited space, drop in.

The Vanity of Small Differences

The Vanity of Small Differences

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Serpent Head

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