
Yıldız Moran

Timeless Photographs

November 27, 2013 - January 19, 2014

The first female photographer of Turkey to have received an academic training, Yıldız Moran (1932-1995) was presented to audiences through a comprehensive exhibition for the first time at Pera Museum.

Moran began her career in photography with great passion, only to give it up after marrying Özdemir Asaf, another great passion in her life. Nevertheless, during her brief career, Moran was able to produce significant and variegated work after studying with the famous photographer John Vickers in Britain. Her first solo exhibition in Cambridge was followed by those in Istanbul, Ankara, London, and Edinburgh.

Besides her technical prowess and her masterful use of light, Yıldız Moran was a photographer who put her soul, intellect, and heart - in other words her whole self - into her work, thereby lending depth to her images. This comprehensive exhibition, a “retrospective” in a sense, aims to present Moran’s inner voice through a new reading that focuses on the traces of her visibility within the history of Turkish and international photography.

With many photographs to be seen for the first time (along with a limited number of others Moran has become famous for), the exhibition offered an opportunity to meet a figure that had until now remained in the dark - the first “schooled” female photographer of Turkey.

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Exhibition Catalogue

Yıldız Moran

Yıldız Moran

The first female photographer of Turkey to have received an academic training, Yıldız Moran's photographs (1932-1995) was presented in a comprehensive exhibition for the first time at Pera...


Serpent Head

Serpent Head

The Greek god Apollo and his son Asklepios presided over the realm of medicine and healing. Apollo was also the god of light and sun, whose solar symbolism and association with medicine would become linked to Christ the Physician, and the resurrected.

Postcard Nudes

Postcard Nudes

The various states of viewing nudity entered the Ottoman world on postcards before paintings. These postcards appeared in the 1890s, and became widespread in the 1910s, following the proclamation of the Second Constitutional Monarchy, traveling from hand to hand, city to city. 

Baby King

Baby King

1638, the year Louis XIV was born –his second name, Dieudonné, alluding to his God-given status– saw the diffusion of a cult of maternity encouraged by the very devout Anne of Austria, in thanks for the miracle by which she had given birth to an heir to the French throne. Simon François de Tours (1606-1671) painted the Queen in the guise of the Virgin Mary, and the young Louis XIV as the infant Jesus, in the allegorical portrait now in the Bishop’s Palace at Sens.