
Temporary Exhibitions

SAMİH RİFAT  <br>  "Much Is to Be Done"

"Much Is to Be Done"

photographs, films, drawings, poems, notebooks, books, and music…

March 20 - August 17, 2025

"Much Is to Be Done" is an exhibition that departs from the both ethically and aesthetically uncompromising work of Samih Rifat, an important figure in the world of culture renowned for his photographs, translations, documentaries and writings. We could describe his work as “an act of art and thought”, and this exhibition aims to expand his creative process in order to understand this intellectual of “a thousand arts”, who sadly passed away too early.

MARCEL DZAMA <br> Dancing with the Moon

Dancing with the Moon

With a little help from his friend Raymond Pettibon

March 20 - August 17, 2025

Pera Museum is pleased to present Marcel Dzama’s first solo exhibition in Turkey, surveying the artist’s unique approach and compelling storytelling. The exhibition curated by Alistair Hicks, emerging from the artist’s colourful imaginative world that is centred on music and dance, is made up of works that address the failures of governance we are currently subjected to, environmental destruction, and the calamities caused by war.

Collection Exhibitions

Intersecting Worlds

Intersecting Worlds

Ambassadors and Painters

Since its earlier periods, The Ottoman Empire has established intense relations with European states. Urged by curiosity and a certain degree of fear at times, the West's efforts, on the other hand, to be acquainted with and understand this government of immense military power and source of political authority, emerged as a political exigency. 

Coffee Break

Coffee Break

The Adventure of Coffee in Kütahya Tiles and Ceramics

Discovered in Ethiopia as the “magic fruit,” and reaching the land of the Ottomans through Yemen in the 15th century, coffee soon assumed its place as a prestigious beverage in the palace and wealthy households. 

Osman Hamdi Bey

Osman Hamdi Bey

The life and art of Osman Hamdi Bey through his works in the Suna and İnan Kıraç Foundation Collection

An Ottoman intellectual raised by the Tanzimat Era… An exceptional personality, who made substantial, diversified and lifelong contributions to various fields of culture and arts such as painting, archaeology, museology, and art education...

The Art of Weights and Measures

The Art of Weights and Measures

Suna and İnan Kıraç Foundation Anatolian Weights and Measures Collection

As the measurement of discovery became the substance of myths, weighing and measuring, beyond being mere physical actions, became an important means of self-expression to those captivated by the universe and what lay beyond the boundaries of knowledge.