Burak Göral’s Guide to Selecting Films for Children


April 9, 2016 / 13:00

Pera Film hosts a series of events in the context of the 35th Istanbul Film Festival, organized by the Istanbul Foundation for Culture and Arts (IKSV). “Burak Göral’s Guide to Selecting Films for Children” workshop will be held on Saturday, April 9th at 13:00.

More than just a tool of entertainment, cinema can be helpful to your children in better understanding life itself. And, how to match them with the right films? Which films should we introduce them to and at what age? How should we differentiate films which would not be appropriate for their ages or would adversely affect their psyche? Heed film critic and screenwriter Burak Göral’s words concerning “children and film.”

Free of admissions. Workshop language is Turkish. 
Limited space, drop in.

The adventure of the Big ‘K’

The adventure of the Big ‘K’

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