Fatma Çolakoğlu and Ulya Soley

Curators' Tour

October 6, 2016 / 18:30

Join curators Fatma Çolakoğlu and Ulya Soley for a tour of the Katherine Behar: Data’s Entry exhibition. The tour will offer a unique insight to the works of the exhibition.

About Fatma Çolakoğlu
Fatma Çolakoğlu earned her degree in film directing and film history at Emerson College and her MA in theater directing from Goldsmiths College. She initiated İstanbul Modern's film program. She cofounded the curatorial duo Maybe Art Projects with Ulya Soley. She has been working as Pera Museum’s film and video curator and head of communication programming since 2008.

About Ulya Soley
Ulya Soley studied art history and psychology at McGill University. Recently she curated the exhibition Stereo-Reality as part of Proto5533’s emerging curators program. She is a contributor to the monthly publication Istanbul Art News. She cofounded the curatorial duo Maybe Art Projects with Fatma Çolakoğlu. She works at Pera Museum as a project manager and collection supervisor.

Admission: 30 TL  (Free for Friends of the Museum)
Please email 
resepsiyon@peramuzesi.org.tr to book your place.
Please note that the tour language is Turkish.

Temporary Exhibition

Katherine Behar

Pera Museum presented Katherine Behar: Data’s Entry, the first museum survey exhibition of this New York-based artist who moves fluidly between sculpture, performance, video, and writing.

Katherine Behar

Midnight Horror Stories:  The Moon Pool <br> Işın Beril Tetik

Midnight Horror Stories: The Moon Pool
Işın Beril Tetik

About a year ago, Ela was dead for seven minutes. Death had come to her as she was watching her younger brother play gleefully in the sandpit at the park. A sudden flash that washed her world with a burning white light, a merciless roar resembling that of a monster… 

At Once Ancient and All Too Contemporary  <br>Tatiana Trouvé

At Once Ancient and All Too Contemporary
Tatiana Trouvé

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Nam June Paik Video Art’s Pioneer

Nam June Paik Video Art’s Pioneer

Nam June Paik was video art’s pioneer (1932 –2006). It is interesting that while Warhol and Nameth were experimenting with psychedelic happenings that combined rock, film and performance, the video art pioneers Nam June Paik, Stephen Beck, Eric Siegel and Steina Vasulka were researching in a similar direction.