Hybrid Identities
Esra Aliçavuşoğlu, Huma Kabakcı, Erinç Seymen,
Güneş Terkol


March 2, 2016 / 19:00

As part of the exhibition Memory and Continuity: A Selection from the Huma Kabakcı Collection, Pera Museum is presenting the talk Hybrid Identities on Wednesday March 2nd at 19:00. Moderated by co-curator Esra Aliçavuşoğlu, the talk will be accompanied by co-curator and collector Huma Kabakcı, and artists Erinç Seymen and Güneş Terkol.

Identity is one of the foremost concepts that contemporary artists reflect upon and analyze; it also constitutes one of the main pillars of the Huma Kabakcı Collection, particularly in relation to the choices of the second-generation collector. Addressing geographical and cultural identity, the ethnic ‘other’, gender and cultural codes as a problematic, this discussion will also analyze the notion of identities through the perspectives of a collector, an art historian, and two artists.

Free of admissions, limited seats.

Temporary Exhibition

Memory and Continuity

Collecting works of art in a conscious and systematic manner dates as far back as the Hellenistic era… Having undergone various changes and transformations throughout the different stages of both the history of civilization and art, collecting inherently brings to mind a number of different concepts, passion, the urge to possess, prestige, aesthetic concern, and ideology. 

Memory and Continuity

Nam June Paik Video Art’s Pioneer

Nam June Paik Video Art’s Pioneer

Nam June Paik was video art’s pioneer (1932 –2006). It is interesting that while Warhol and Nameth were experimenting with psychedelic happenings that combined rock, film and performance, the video art pioneers Nam June Paik, Stephen Beck, Eric Siegel and Steina Vasulka were researching in a similar direction.

Portrait of Martín Zapater (1797)

Portrait of Martín Zapater (1797)

Martín Zapater y Clavería, born in Zaragoza on November 12th 1747, came from a family of modest merchants and was taken in to live with a well-to-do aunt, Juana Faguás, and her daughter, Joaquina de Alduy. He studied with Goya in the Escuelas Pías school in Zaragoza from 1752 to 1757 and a friendship arose between them which was to last until the death of Zapater in 1803. 

Midnight Horror Stories: Pollens, Photosynthesis & Rock ‘N’ Roll <br> Murat Başekim

Midnight Horror Stories: Pollens, Photosynthesis & Rock ‘N’ Roll
Murat Başekim

Pera Museum Blog is launching a new series of creepy stories in collaboration with Turkey’s Fantasy and Science Fiction Arts Association (FABISAD). The Association’s member writers are presenting newly commissioned short horror stories inspired by the artworks of Mario Prassinos as part of the Museum’s In Pursuit of an Artist: Istanbul-Paris-Istanbul exhibition. The third story is by Murat Başekim! The stories will be published online throughout the exhibition. Stay tuned!