Late Roman and Byzantine Coins Seminar II


March 9, 2024 / 10:00

Pera Museum is offering a seminar on Late Roman and Byzantine Coins for graduate students as part of Suna and İnan Kıraç Foundation Anatolian Weights and Measures Collection. The seminar, which adopts an interdisciplinary approach to the science of numismatics, aims to provide theoretical and practical skills for young researchers working on the archaeology, history, art, and culture of the Late Roman and Early Byzantine periods.

The intensive one-day program consists of a seminar and a workshop. In the first part of the program, Associate Professor Dr. Aliye Erol will give a theoretical seminar on Late Roman and Byzantine coins. In the second part, there will be an applied numismatics workshop by studying the coins from the Pierre Willemart Coin Collection donated to the Suna and İnan Kıraç Foundation.

The seminar will be held face-to-face at the Istanbul Research Institute. The language of the program is Turkish. The program is free, and attendees outside Istanbul must pay for their accommodation and transportation.

Click for application and programme details!

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