Souvenirs of the Future Exhibition Tour

Curator's Tour

December 14, 2023 / 18:00

Could the future be remembered through the familiar objects collected in the past? Could these objects act as a means to shape the memories of the future that will come as fragments—a means to shape, understand, and preserve the past? Souvenirs of the Future, which sets forth from the Suna and İnan Kıraç Foundation Kütahya Tiles and Ceramics Collection, explores the ties forged between memory and imagination through contemporary works while focusing on that which is remembered with the help of objects. The cultural and symbolic value and meaning of objects that have been acquired or collected as souvenirs, as a reminder of a certain place and time, interweave the memory of the region with personal journeys.

The exhibition presents a future-oriented perspective of the archive while aiming to understand the future through commissioned contemporary works inspired by the collection. Yet instead of a nostalgic devotion to the past, it proposes contemplating how we will remember the future. In this exhibition curated by Ulya Soley and organized in memory of Suna Kıraç, who created the Kütahya Tiles and Ceramics Collection, a selection from the collection that inspired the contemporary works accompanies each corresponding section. As part of the exhibition, a restricted number of participants will be offered the opportunity to take a tour of the exhibition, led by curator Ulya Soley's informative commentary. 

The guided tour fee: 100 TL (Free for Friends of Pera Museum)

The guided tour language is Turkish. The capacity is limited. To join the tour, you can buy tickets from Biletix or make a reservation via

Portrait of Martín Zapater (1797)

Portrait of Martín Zapater (1797)

Martín Zapater y Clavería, born in Zaragoza on November 12th 1747, came from a family of modest merchants and was taken in to live with a well-to-do aunt, Juana Faguás, and her daughter, Joaquina de Alduy. He studied with Goya in the Escuelas Pías school in Zaragoza from 1752 to 1757 and a friendship arose between them which was to last until the death of Zapater in 1803. 

Midnight Horror Stories: Pollens, Photosynthesis & Rock ‘N’ Roll <br> Murat Başekim

Midnight Horror Stories: Pollens, Photosynthesis & Rock ‘N’ Roll
Murat Başekim

Pera Museum Blog is launching a new series of creepy stories in collaboration with Turkey’s Fantasy and Science Fiction Arts Association (FABISAD). The Association’s member writers are presenting newly commissioned short horror stories inspired by the artworks of Mario Prassinos as part of the Museum’s In Pursuit of an Artist: Istanbul-Paris-Istanbul exhibition. The third story is by Murat Başekim! The stories will be published online throughout the exhibition. Stay tuned!

#VideoPopPera A Special Exhibition Tour

#VideoPopPera A Special Exhibition Tour

Pera Museum’s Instagram account was taken over by “This is Not A Love Song” exhibition’s project managers Fatma Çolakoğlu and Ulya Soley!