The Future of Documentary-Making in Turkey

Panel Discussion

April 16, 2016 / 17:00

Panelists: Necati Sönmez, Reyan Tuvi, Can Candan
Moderator: Tül Akbal

Pera Film hosts a series of events in the context of the 35th Istanbul Film Festival, organized by the Istanbul Foundation for Culture and Arts (IKSV). As part of the event series, Necati Sönmez, Reyan Tuvi, Can Candan come together with moderator Tül Akbal for a panel discussion on Saturday, April 16th at 17:00.

Moderated by the chairman of SIYAD, the Turkish Film Critics Association, documentarians Necati Sönmez, Can Candan, and Reyan Tuvi will be discussing the current state of documentary-making in Turkey, within a scope that ranges from funding to film production, exhibition and distribution, examining problems and resolutions. 

Free of admissions. The talk will be in Turkish.
Limited space, drop in.

Midnight Horror Stories: The Landlord <br> Hakan Bıçakcı

Midnight Horror Stories: The Landlord
Hakan Bıçakcı

Three people sleeping side by side. On the uncomfortable seats of the stuffy airplane in the air. Three friends. I’m the friend in the window seat. The other two are a couple, Emre and Melisa. I’m alone, they are together. And another difference. I’ve only closed my eyes. They are asleep.

Return from Vienna

Return from Vienna

Józef Brandt harboured a fascination for the history of 17th century Poland, and his favourite themes included ballistic scenes and genre scenes before and after the battle proper –all and sundry marches, returns, supply trains, billets and encampments, patrols, and similar motifs illustrating the drudgery of warfare outside of its culminating moments.

It’s better to burn out than to fade away

It’s better to burn out than to fade away

In 1962 Philip Corner, one of the most prominent members of the Fluxus movement, caused a great commotion in serious music circles when during a performance entitled Piano Activities he climbed up onto a grand piano and began to kick it while other members of the group attacked it with saws, hammers and all kinds of other implements.