The Journey Starts with a Tale
Judith Malika Liberman

Talk and Book Signing

October 24, 2017 / 18:30

How do the tales open our path? Is it possible that texts which date back to such old times can create motion in a modern person’s life? Can tricks of our minds, in other words dreaming, show us the way out of the problems that we are not able to solve by analytical thinking? After her new book Start the Journey with Tales, published by hep kitap, Judith Lieberman is meeting with art-lovers in Pera Museum. During the talk, presented by hep kitap and Pera Museum, the Author explains how we can bring the curative effect of tales into our lives with examples from her book, which leads us on of a 40-day long adventure.

Judith Liberman is a storyteller, art therapist, speaker and trainer based in Istanbul.  She hosts a weekly storytelling show on national radio channel NTV, and weekly storytelling concerts in Istanbul and all over Turkey.  She is considered to have triggered the storytelling revival in Turkey where she trained hundreds of storytellers over the last ten years.  Her first book "Tale Therapy" was an overnight bestseller.  Her new book came out in october this year.  Judith believes storytelling is the magic that weaves community, and uses every opportunity to invite people to dream together. 

About The Journey Starts with a Tale
From Judith Malika Lieberman, the author of Tale Therapy, a 40-weeks adventure for the dreamers, the players, the travelers: Start the Journey with Tales. There is a certain route to this 40-week journey. Readers will travel the forest, mountain, desert and sea through 40 tales. They will see the unknown in the known through the magical world of the tales, and will take transformative steps towards the life they imagine. In this magical journey, the tales will guide them. The book is translated from the English original by Sibel Subaşı Hill and illustrated by Gamze Yalçın.
Free of admissions, drop in. This event will take place in the auditorium. The talk will be in Turkish.


The Search for Form

The Search for Form

A series of small and rather similar nudes Bedri Rahmi Eyüboğlu and Eren Eyüboğlu produced in the early 1930s almost resemble a ‘visual conversation’ that focus on a pictorial search. It is also possible to find the visual reflections of this earlier search in the synthesis Bedri Rahmi Eyüboğlu reached with his stylistic abstractions in the 1950s.

Cindy Sherman Look At Me!

Cindy Sherman Look At Me!

The exhibition Look at Me! Portraits and Other Fictions from the ”la Caixa” Contemporary Art Collection examines portraiture, one of the oldest artistic genres, through a significant number of works of our times. Through the exhibition we will be sharing about the artists and sections in Look At Me!.

Giacometti’s Final Works

Giacometti’s Final Works

Giacometti was selected for three important retrospectives at the New York Museum of Modern Art, the Tate Gallery in London and the Louisiana Museum of Art in Denmark, all of which were a great success.