
A Road Story

180 Years of Photography

December 5, 2019 - March 1, 2020

At the 180th anniversary of invention of photography and the first photography trip that took place in 1839, A Road Story: 180 Years of Photography exhibition brought together interpretations and perspectives of photographers who explored the same route with today’s techniques.

French painter Émile Jean Horace Vernet, painter Charles Marie Bouton who is among the inventors of Diorama technique, and daguerreotypist Frédéric Auguste Antoine Goupil-Fesquet depart from the Port of Marseille in October 1839 to take photographs and return to Marseille six months later, in April 1840 passing from Livorno, Malta, Syros, Paros, Naxos, Santorini, Alexandria, Cairo, Luxor, Suez, Mount Sinai, Gaza, Bethlehem, Jerusalem, Nablus, Sayda, Deir Al Qamar, Damascus, Tripoli, Baalbek, Beirut, Larnaca, Rhodes, Kos, İzmir, Dardanelles, İstanbul and Rome. 

Frédéric Auguste Antoine Goupil-Fesquet conveyed his impressions about this journey in his book, Voyage d’Horace Vernet en Orient that would be published in 1843.

At the 180th anniversary of this first known group photography trip, the exhibition curated by Engin Özendes featured the artists Coşkun Aral, Laleper Aytek, Ali Borovalı, Murat Germen, Sinan Koçaslan, Yusuf Sevinçli, Alp Sime, Lale Tara, Serkan Taycan and Cem Turgay. The photographs they took during their trips to the stops of the earlier journey reflected a contemporary take on these cities with rich histories.

Exhibition Catalogue

A Road Story

A Road Story

At the 180th anniversary of invention of photography and the first photography trip that took place in 1839, A Road Story: 180 Years of Photography exhibition brings together...

Engin Özendes<br>A Road Story

Engin Özendes
A Road Story

At the 180th anniversary of invention of photography and the first photography trip that took place in 1839, A Road Story: 180 Years of Photography exhibition brings together interpretations and perspectives of photographers who explore the same route with today’s techniques. As part of exhibition, an exhibition tour with the curator Engin Özendes will be organized on January 19, at 19.00.

Engin Özendes<br>A Road Story

Engin Özendes
A Road Story

At the 180th anniversary of invention of photography and the first photography trip that took place in 1839, A Road Story: 180 Years of Photography exhibition brings together interpretations and perspectives of photographers who explore the same route with today’s techniques. As part of exhibition, an exhibition tour with the curator Engin Özendes will be organized on January 19, at 19.00.

A Road Story <br> Engin Özendes & Ali Borovalı & Cem Turgay

A Road Story
Engin Özendes & Ali Borovalı & Cem Turgay

For the first talk of the exhibition, curator Engin Özendes will be in conversation with Ali Borovalı and Cem Turgay.

A Road Story<br>Coşkun Aral & Yekta Kopan

A Road Story
Coşkun Aral & Yekta Kopan

At the 180th anniversary of the invention of photography and the first photography trip that took place in 1839, A Road Story: 180 Years of Photography exhibition brings together interpretations and perspectives of photographers who explore the same route with today’s techniques. The talk featuring Coşkun Aral and Yekta Kopan, which will be organized as part of the exhibition, focuses on Aral's exhibited photographs of Mount Sinai, Gaza, Bethlehem, Jerusalem, Nablus, Sidon, Deir el-Qamar, Damascus and Tripoli as well as his experiences in those places.


Venuses Throughout History

Venuses Throughout History

José Sancho does not conceal the voluptuousness of his female torsos; he highlights it. These torsos are symmetrical from front, but on the other hand, from the side, the juxtaposition of concave and convex forms creates dynamism.

Interview with Isabel Muñoz <br> By Merve Akar Akgün

Interview with Isabel Muñoz
By Merve Akar Akgün

Isabel Muñoz is a Spanish photographer renowned for her captivating monochromatic portraits of individuals and cultures from around the world. Her works have been widely exhibited in numerous galleries and museums globally. 

Midnight Horror Stories: The Landlord <br> Hakan Bıçakcı

Midnight Horror Stories: The Landlord
Hakan Bıçakcı

Three people sleeping side by side. On the uncomfortable seats of the stuffy airplane in the air. Three friends. I’m the friend in the window seat. The other two are a couple, Emre and Melisa. I’m alone, they are together. And another difference. I’ve only closed my eyes. They are asleep.