
Around the World Under Glass

October 26, 2005 - January 8, 2006

A certain commonality from one country to another is inevitably in the work of folk artists from a shared artistic tradition. The naïve and pure-hearted quality of folk art is born of a common life lived on the land in close harmony with nature. Similarities and a shared tradition notwithstanding, the works created by folk artists are richly diverse.

Around the World Under Glass exhibition organized by the Pera Museum was an opportunity to view this startling diversity in works created by reverse - glass painters. The exhibition was a result of the efforts of Neveser Aksoy, and included works from the Bortaçina, Genim and Suna and İnan Kıraç collections. Together they represented an unprecedented and unforgettable opportunity for Turkey and the world.

The approximately 200 reverse-glass paintings selected for the exhibition and catalogue revealed the similarities and differences across geography, and drew attention to the unusual work of Anatolian reverse-glass artists.

Curator: Neveser Aksoy

Exhibition Catalogue

Around the World Under Glass

Around the World Under Glass

A certain commonality from one country to another is inevitably in the work of folk artists from a shared artistic tradition. The naïve and pure-hearted quality of folk art is born of a common...

Nudes With Mirrors

Nudes With Mirrors

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The adventure of the Big ‘K’

The adventure of the Big ‘K’

In a bid to review the International System of Units (SI), the International Bureau of Weights and Measures gathered at the 26th General Conference on Weights and Measures on November 16, 2018. Sixty member states have voted for changing four out of seven basic units of measurement. The kilogram is among the modified. Before describing the key points, let us have a closer look into the kilogram and its history.

Giacometti in Paris

Giacometti in Paris

The second part of exhibition illustrates Alberto Giacometti’s relations with Post-Cubist artists and the Surrealist movement between 1922 and 1935, one of the important sculptures series he created during his first years in Paris, and the critical role he played in the art scene of the period.