
Summmer '17

Pera Education Workshop Exhibition

August 1 - September 17, 2017

Pera Museum’s Summmer '17 exhibition brought together the products of the creative world of children and teams who participated in the summer workshops inspired by the Doublethink: Double vision and José Sancho exhibitions. Including the works of three separate age groups (4-6, 7-12, and 13-17), the exhibition added its own color to Pera Education Workshop from August 1 to September 17.

The Summmer '17 exhibition included three-dimensional animal and aquarium designs made using “magic putty” and paper plates, and drawings made using crayons, ink, and finger paint at the workshops for the 4-6 age group. The works created at the workshop designed especially for the 7-12 age group included fish forms made by shaping wire, wind chimes made with soda bottle caps, and designs for clocks, business cards, comics, and book covers, made using a variety of material. The oversized text created by printing letters on sheets of paper at the workshop for the 13-17 age group directed by Hera Büyüktaşçıyan as part of the summer workshops was one of the outstanding works of the exhibition.

Participants: Ada İçli, Ada Kuyucu, Ada Turan, Ali Asaf Aydın, Ali Ege Evren, Alis Dilmen, Baki Mir Aşil Kaplan, Bakihan Ordu, Berfin Kaya, Beril Abamar, Bora Erdem, Can Karasaç, Cemre Canbolat, Çınar Topçubaşı, Defne Hoşbaş, Defne İnce, Defne Topuz, Defne Vezir, Deniz Çobanoğlu, Deniz Demir, Deniz Topal, Derin Tahtalıoğlu, Derin Varol, Duru Fidanboy, Ebrar Özdemir, Eda Burma, Efe Canbolat, Ela Çelik, Ela Naz Demirkıran, Elif Erva Tuncel, Elif Naz Aybar, Ferhan Özaydın, Firdevs Beyza Teymur, Harun Özdemir, İdil Tüysüzyan, İsmail Efe Armağan, Kerem Sezgin, Lina Çakmak, Mert Ali Çelik, Mia Ergut, Mira Sahara Oğuz, Muhammet Aydın, Mustafa Salih Aydın, Narin Kaya, Neva Su Şani, Nil Çekirdekçi, Nil Gültekin, Nilsu Tosun, Osman Afif Aydın, Ömer Sinan Dew, Pelin Erkman, Ronya Toprak, Sabina Ela Demir, Selin Türkaslan, Serra Pempe, Shiva Nil Oğuz, Tan Çankaya, Tusem Aydar, Uğur Can Demirkıran, Umut Burma, Umut Öğünç, Yasemin Tiryakioğlu, Zeynep Şahin, Zeynep Ulusoy


Dizzying Expression of Fear and Doom Tsang Kin-Wah

Dizzying Expression of Fear and Doom Tsang Kin-Wah

Pera Museum, in collaboration with Istanbul Foundation for Culture and Arts (İKSV), is one of the main venues for this year’s 15th Istanbul Biennial from 16 September to 12 November 2017.  Through the biennial, we will be sharing detailed information about the artists and the artworks. 

Louis Isadore Kahn (1901-1974)

Louis Isadore Kahn (1901-1974)

Louis Isadore Kahn was born in 1901 to a Jewish family in Pärnu, Russia (today Estonia), far from Philadelphia where he spent his whole life, worked, fell in love, and breathed his last. Kahn family emigrated to America when he was five years old. 

Barbara Kruger’s Practice on Power,  Capitalism, Identity, and Gender

Barbara Kruger’s Practice on Power, Capitalism, Identity, and Gender

A closer look at the life and works of the artist Barbara Kruger, who is represented with two striking works in the exhibition And Now The Good News, a selection of works from the Nobel Collection.