Hand of Another: Those Who Are Fine

March 15, 2019

Hand of Another focuses on films that question the gap between people in a society where distances close and opportunities grow.

Bringing together a collection of films that challenge the norms of conventional cinema through innovative expression, Hand of Another presents works of contemporary cinema that have not been released in Turkey while also reintroducing obscure older films to a new audience. A talk will be held after each screening. Hand of Another film screening series is presented by Pera Film in partnership with Fol.

This program’s screenings and events are free of admissions. Drop in, no reservations.

What is Fol?
Fol is an Istanbul-based film society that attaches importance to and aims to share the alternative experiences offered by film and video. Established in 2015 by Burak Çevik, Fol continues its film screenings in various locations across Istanbul.

in collaboration

March 15

19:00 Those Who Are Fine

Those Who Are Fine

Those Who Are Fine

Program Trailer

Hand of Another: Those Who Are Fine

Hand of Another focuses on films that question the gap between people in a society where distances close and opportunities grow.

Paris Without End (1959-1965)

Paris Without End (1959-1965)

In the 60s, Alberto Giacometti paid homage to Paris, the city where he lived, by drawing its streets, cafés, and more private places like his studio and the apartment of his wife, Annette. These drawings would make up his last book, Paris sans fin (Paris Without End). 

Story of José Sancho’s Life

Story of José Sancho’s Life

He was born on April 18, 1935 in the province of Puntarenas, Costa Rica. His family migrated to the capital, San José, where in 1952 he earned a bachelor’s degree from the Lyceum of Costa Rica.

Stefan Hablützel Look At Me!

Stefan Hablützel Look At Me!

The exhibition Look at Me! Portraits and Other Fictions from the ”la Caixa” Contemporary Art Collection examines portraiture, one of the oldest artistic genres, through a significant number of works of our times. Through the exhibition we will be sharing about the artists and sections in “Look At Me!”.