On Memory or How Can I Doublethink?

August 2 - 5, 2017

Pera Film’s season ends with the program On Memory or How Can I Doublethink? Presented in conjunction with the exhibition Doublethink: Double vision, the selected visual journeys explore the notion of memory and how memory interplays between image and text. The juxtaposed images and texts capture the power or process of reproducing or recollection. The Story of Milk and Honey by artist/filmmaker Basma Alsharif, who was born in Kuwait to Palestinian parents, and raised between France and the US, this short experimental film through a delicate weaving of fact and fiction, a tale of defeat transforms into a multi-layered journey exploring how we collect information, perceive facts and recreate history to serve our own desires. Filmmaker Louis Henderson’s works investigate the connections between colonialism, technology, capitalism, and history; The Sea is History is a free adaptation of the poem by Derek Walcott. Ken Kobland’s Shanghaied Text reflects on our 20th century notion of civilization and progress. Kobland has made several films and videos since 1975 as well as installations for the New York theatre company The Wooster Group. Chris Marker’s masterwork Sans Soleil is constructed through an unknown woman reading and commenting upon the letters she receives from a friend – a freelance cameraman who travels around the world and is particularly attached to those “two extreme poles of survival”, Japan and Africa (represented here by two of its poorest and most forgotten countries, even though they played a historical role: Guinea Bissau and the Cape-Verde Islands). Ozan Adam’s For the Blinds is the first internationally awarded, feature length Turkish science fiction film, that is not a comedy, a cult, an animation or a re-make. This film explores questions about issues such as ‘manufactured memory’, ‘memory creation’ and ‘parallel universes’. On Memory Or How Can I Doublethink? dives into the vigorous relationship between image, text, and memory.

This program’s screenings are free of admissions. Drop in, no reservations.

August 2

19:00 Sans Soleil

August 4

18:00 Sans Soleil

20:00 For the Blinds

August 5

15:00 The Story of Milk and Honey

The Sea is History

Shanghaied Text

The Story of Milk and Honey

The Story of Milk and Honey

The Sea is History

The Sea is History

Shanghaied Text

Shanghaied Text

Sans Soleil

Sans Soleil

For the Blinds

For the Blinds

Double vision

Thinking has changed radically, but many people don't appear to have noticed. Our institutions have been stuck on linear Neo-Platonic tracks for 24 centuries. These antiquated processes of deduction have lost their authority. Just like art it has fallen off its pedestal. Legal, educational and constitutional systems rigidly subscribe to these; they are 100% text based.

Doublethink <br>Double vision

The adventure of the Big ‘K’

The adventure of the Big ‘K’

In a bid to review the International System of Units (SI), the International Bureau of Weights and Measures gathered at the 26th General Conference on Weights and Measures on November 16, 2018. Sixty member states have voted for changing four out of seven basic units of measurement. The kilogram is among the modified. Before describing the key points, let us have a closer look into the kilogram and its history.

Giacometti: Early Works

Giacometti: Early Works

Organized in collaboration with the Giacometti Foundation, Paris, the exhibition explores Giacometti’s prolific life, most of which the artist led in his studio in Montparnasse, through the works of his early period as well his late work, including one unfinished piece. Devoted to Giacometti’s early works, the first part of the exhibition demonstrates the influence of Giovanni Giacometti, the father of the artist and a Swiss Post-Impressionist painter himself, on Giacometti’s output during these years and his role in his son’s development. 

A Photographer’s Biography Pascal Sebah

A Photographer’s Biography Pascal Sebah

Following the opening of his studio, “El Chark Societe Photographic,” on Beyoğlu’s Postacılar Caddesi in 1857, the Levantine-descent Pascal Sébah moves to yet another studio next to the Russian Embassy in 1860 with a Frenchman named A. Laroche, who, apart from having worked in Paris previously, is also quite familiar with photographic techniques.