Queer Shorts

November 25, 2017

Dear Pera Film Followers,

“The Queer Shorts” film program organized by British Council and Pink Life KuirFest scheduled to take place at Pera Museum’s auditorium on Saturday 25 November, has been postponed due to the sentence numbered 2017/2284 and dated 24 November, served today to the Pera Museum by the Beyoğlu District Governor.

Pera Film is hosting Queer Shorts organized by British Council and Pink Life KuirFest. British Council and KuirFest have developed an LGBTI+ short film competition for filmmakers from Turkey to give them an opportunity to be showcased in Turkey, in the UK and internationally and to developed a platform of expression.

The 10 short films will meet with the audience on Saturday, November 25 at Pera Film. The directors of the jury award and people’s award travel to London to attend BFI Flare’s Film Festival in March 2018.

There will be a talk after the screening with the jury, director Umit Unal, producer Gavin Humphries and Pera Museum’s film and video programs curator Fatma Çolakoğlu.

This program’s screenings are free of admissions. Drop in, no reservations.

in collaboration





25 November
14:00     Queer Shorts
16:00     Moderator: Esra Özban, KuirFest
              Fatma Çolakoğlu, Gavin Humphries and Ümit Ünal
17:30     Queer Shorts

Click here for Queer Shorts’ details.


Directors: Gökçe Oraloğlu & Zehra Gökcimen
Turkey, 2017, 4’, color
I Didn’t Choose 
Director: Mehmetcan İncedal
Turkey, 2017, 15’, color
Director: Sertaç Koyuncu
Turkey, 2017, 4’32’’, color
Director: Nilgün Küçükbatman
Turkey, 2017, 9’, color
Director: Asya Leman Sanıtürk
Turkey, 2017, 13’25’’, color
Directors: Simay Çalışkan & Nergis Karadağ
Turkey, 2017, 5’25’’, color
Not a Male but Female
Director: Gökhan Yalçınkaya
Turkey, 2016, 9’20’’, color
I Know My Murderer 
Director: Arif Akdenizli
Turkey, 2016, 14’15’’, color
Being LGBTI in the Hood 
Director: Ada Ayşe İmamoğlu
Turkey, 2017, 4’, color
Director: Salih Salman
Turkey, 2017, 8’53’’, color

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