“I dance for no reason, for reasons you can’t dance,
Call me an activist of intellectualized circumstance
You can’t learn my steps until you unlearn your thoughts Spirit,
soul, can’t be store-bought.”
Saul Williams
Pera Film begins its new season with an energetic and gripping program titled We Rule the Streets: life, art, music. Presented parallel to the exhibition Language of the Wall: Graffiti / Street Art, the program peaks into the street, life on the street and the culture it nourishes. As Norman Mailer has expressed “in the environment of the slum, the courage to display yourself is your only capital.” The city’s vein, the street, encapsulates many: the masses roar, the youth thunder and thus an eclectic culture is born. This diverse selection of films with different genres and themes all come under the same roof of how humanity has created an indelible relationship with the one and only pathway, the street. From living to surviving, to creating and performing, to cherishing, listening and moving each film explores the street through a specific angle. It is time We Rule the Streets!
Screenings can be seen with a discounted museum ticket (8 TL). No reservations taken.
September 12
19:00 Style Wars
21:00 Beats of Freedom
September 13
14:00 Everybody Street
16:00 Dark Days
18:00 Inside Out: The People’s Art Project
September 14
14:00 Gunnin’ For That #1 Spot
16:00 Brooklyn
18:00 12 O’Clock Boys
September 18
19:00 Dogtown & Z-Boys
21:00 Control
September 19
19:00 Beats of Freedom
September 20
13:00 Bomb It
15:00 Bomb It 2
17:00 Style Wars
19:00 Gunnin’ For That #1 Spot
September 21
14:00 We Can’t Go Home Again
16:00 Don’t Expect Too Much
Who Took the Bomp?
Le Tigre on Tour
September 25
19:00 12 O’Clock Boys
September 26
Who Took the Bomp?
Le Tigre on Tour
20:00 Exit Through the Gift Shop
September 27
13:00 Dogtown & Z-Boys
15:00 We Can’t Go Home Again
17:00 Don’t Expect Too Much
19:00 Control
September 28
14:00 Bomb It
16:00 Bomb It 2
18:00 Exit Through the Gift Shop
October 1
17:00 Brooklyn
19:00 Dark Days
October 3
19:00 Everybody Street
21:00 Inside Out: The People’s Art Project
September 12
19:00 Style Wars
21:00 Beats of Freedom
September 13
14:00 Everybody Street
16:00 Dark Days
18:00 Inside Out: The People’s Art Project
September 14
14:00 Gunnin’ For That #1 Spot
16:00 Brooklyn
18:00 12 O’Clock Boys
September 18
19:00 Dogtown & Z-Boys
21:00 Control
September 19
19:00 Beats of Freedom
September 20
13:00 Bomb It
15:00 Bomb It 2
17:00 Style Wars
19:00 Gunnin’ For That #1 Spot
September 21
14:00 We Can’t Go Home Again
16:00 Don’t Expect Too Much
Who Took the Bomp?
Le Tigre on Tour
September 25
19:00 12 O’Clock Boys
September 26
Who Took the Bomp?
Le Tigre on Tour
20:00 Exit Through the Gift Shop
September 27
13:00 Dogtown & Z-Boys
15:00 We Can’t Go Home Again
17:00 Don’t Expect Too Much
19:00 Control
September 28
14:00 Bomb It
16:00 Bomb It 2
18:00 Exit Through the Gift Shop
October 1
17:00 Brooklyn
19:00 Dark Days
October 3
19:00 Everybody Street
21:00 Inside Out: The People’s Art Project
Program Trailer
This diverse selection of films with different genres and themes all come under the same roof of how humanity has created an indelible relationship with the one and only pathway, the street. From living to surviving, to creating and performing, to cherishing, listening and moving each film explores the street through a specific angle
Pera Museum hosted, for the first time in Turkey, an exhibition on one of the art world’s hottest topics – Graffiti and Street Art. Work from America and Europe were exhibited, providing interesting examples examining the concept of ‘graffiti’ and ‘bringing the street to the museum’, as well as creating a platform for discussion and debate.
Ali Sami is born in Rusçuk in 1866, and moves to İstanbul. Because his family is registered in the Beylerbeyi quarter of Üsküdar, Ali Sami is also called Üsküdarlı Ali Sami. He graduates from the Mühendishane-i Berri-i Hümayun in 1866 and becomes a teacher of painting and photography at the school.
Tuesday - Saturday 10:00 - 19:00
Friday 10:00 - 22:00
Sunday 12:00 - 18:00
The museum is closed on Mondays.
On Wednesdays, the students can
visit the museum free of admission.
Full ticket: 200 TL
Discounted: 100 TL
Groups: 150 TL (minimum 10 people)