Crystal Clear
Workshops with Artists

January 15 - February 25, 2021

Pera Museum Learning Programs organize online artist workshops for young and adults withinthe scope of the exhibition Crystal Clearbetween 15 January - 25 February 2021.

As part of Pera Genç, in the workshop titled “Stones of Oblivion: Changing Forms” given by Kıymet Daştan, we will create our own stones of oblivion by reflecting on how we preserve memory, how we destroy it and how we create it in daily life, using the stones that we collect on the river banks and coasts we visit or that we stumble upon in the city. We aim to give form to the layers of an abstract concept such as memory that permeates every corner of our daily lives, and to rethink our relationship with everyday objects and materials. 

As part of Pera Adult, in the “The Dictionary of Distance: Sewing Workshop” by Güneş Terkol we create a unique dictionary of distance that can demonstrate the pandemic-induced permeability we experience in our memory and perception of reality and imagination. In a workshop where distance-based fictional work will be created and interpreted and sewn on fabrics, we create motifs based on the words we have coined in this period when we experience a strong sense of distance and we sew colored patches made from pieces of fabric.

For more

January 15

19:00 Stones of Oblivion: Changing Forms Artist Workshop: Kıymet Daştan

January 21

19:00 The Dictionary of Distance: Sewing Workshop
Artist Workshop: Güneş Terkol

February 19

19:00 Stones of Oblivion: Changing Forms Artist Workshop: Kıymet Daştan

February 25

19:00 The Dictionary of Distance: Sewing Workshop
Artist Workshop: Güneş Terkol

Stones of Oblivion: Changing Forms Artist Workshop: Kıymet Daştan

Stones of Oblivion: Changing Forms Artist Workshop: Kıymet Daştan

The Dictionary of Distance: Sewing Workshop <br> Artist Workshop: Güneş Terkol

The Dictionary of Distance: Sewing Workshop
Artist Workshop: Güneş Terkol

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