A Road Story, 180 Years of Photography

January 1 - March 1, 2020

Pera Learning organizes photography workshops for mentally disabled students and a special talk for teachers under the scope of the exhibition “A Road Story: 180 Years of Photography”. Participants explore authentic modes of expression and employ the dimensioning techniques in artist workshops, mentally disabled students create characters and costumes.

February 7

18:00 Journey From Photography to Costume: Costume Workshop

Journey From Photography to Costume: Costume Workshop

Journey From Photography to Costume: Costume Workshop

Encounters: Learning through A Traveller’s Eyes (Teachers)

Encounters: Learning through A Traveller’s Eyes (Teachers)

Nudes With Mirrors

Nudes With Mirrors

Although mythological themes are not commonly encountered in Turkish painting, it is possible to see variations of widespread themes such as the Venus at her Toilet. 

History of a Khanjar

History of a Khanjar

Henryk Weyssenhoff, author of landscapes, prints, and illustrations, devoted much of his creative energies to realistic vistas of Belorussia, Lithuania, and Samogitia. A descendant of an ancient noble family which moved east to the newly Polonised Inflanty in the 17th century, the young Henryk was raised to cherish Polish national traditions.

The Search for Form

The Search for Form

A series of small and rather similar nudes Bedri Rahmi Eyüboğlu and Eren Eyüboğlu produced in the early 1930s almost resemble a ‘visual conversation’ that focus on a pictorial search. It is also possible to find the visual reflections of this earlier search in the synthesis Bedri Rahmi Eyüboğlu reached with his stylistic abstractions in the 1950s.