An Alternative Istanbul: Photo Collage

Pera Adult

  • April 28, 2023 / 19:00

In this workshop, the participants experience the Istanbuls Today exhibition, which presents sections from the city under certain themes and opening space for the recent works of 11 photographers with different production styles and relations with the city. Then, in the workshop, together with Arek Qadrra and Beste Kopuz, who carry out archival studies on spatial memory, the participants reflect on what the concept of the city means to them and create an Istanbul collage that will form parts of a common narrative when they come together. 

Related Exhibition: Istanbuls Today

Ages: 18 years and older
Capacity: 15 people
Fee per workshop: 150 TL
Fee per workshop for students: 75 TL 

The event will take place at the Pera Museum (face-to-face).
For more information:

About Arek Qadrra
In 2015, he participated in the exhibitions “Locality and Global Discourse”(California Arts Academy  - USA) and “Locality and Global Discourse” (Cumhuriyet Museum - Istanbul). Later, he took part in various group exhibitions in Europe, such as Mannheim’s “CAPTCHA Design Festival”. After BASE 2017,; he participated in "Living Space Photography Workshop” (GAPO-SALT - Istanbul), "Country of Dreams Troia” (Çanakkale Piri Reis Museum) in 2018, “Country of Dreams Troia” (Darphane-i Amire - Istanbul), “Wall Paper Scissors” (Space Debris Art - Orjin Gallery), ”Gallery Space+D” (Digilogue), “Sonar Istanbul” (Zorlu PSM), "Finding Healing in Istanbul” (Karşı Art Works - Yaklaşım Tüneli Taksim). Starting from the concepts of universe, metaphysics and, in this context, city and life, the artist continues his contemporary art works in a multidisciplinary style with conceptual art, media art, painting, photography and installations in Istanbul.

About Beste Kopuz
The artist, who produces in a multidisciplinary style, focuses on the city’s history, the memory of the place, and the layered network of relations established with the place by conducting archival studies.  The artist believes that one of the most important features of cities is that they cannot be completely destroyed and in any case, have traces of their pastThe artist, who believes that one of the most important features of cities is that they cannot be completely destroyed and in any case have traces of their past. In her productions, she looks for these traces in the city and questions the re-creation of the old with the new. Her studies wereas exhibited in both local and international platforms such as Mamut Art Project 2017, BASE 2017, CAPTCHA Design Festival, Mixer, Space Debris, and Şehre BAK. In November 2019, she opened her first personal exhibition titled "Kazıklıköy" at Versus Art Project. She joined the Istanbul Architecture and Urbanism Research Academy in 2020, and the Istanbul Biennial Work and Research Program in 2022. She lives in Istanbul and continues her postgraduate education at Hacettepe Fine Arts Institute painting department.

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Mark Požlep

Mark Požlep

Our Cold Front from the Balkans exhibition focuses on different generations of artists and art groups from the Balkan region. Throughout the exhibition, we keep sharing detailed information about the artworks. Take a look at Mark Požlep’s “Stranger than Paradise” video installation. Also you can check our interview with the artist on our YouTube channel! 

Have you noticed the gigantic photo on the facade of our building?

Have you noticed the gigantic photo on the facade of our building?

Have you noticed the gigantic photo on our façade? Our Cold Front from the Balkans exhibition focuses on different generations of artists and art groups from the Balkan region.



Pera Museum’s Cold Front from the Balkans exhibition curated by Ali Akay and Alenka Gregorič brings together contemporary artists from Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Kosovo, Macedonia, Montenegro, Romania, Serbia and Slovenia.