Balanced Structures

School Groups
Primary School


If we placed all our pencils on top of one another, would they stay balanced? Would you need more materials to keep them stable? In this workshop we will learn about scales and weighing machines and explore the materials used by architects and engineers in the past. After an online guided tour of the Suna and İnan Kıraç Foundation’s Collection of Anatolian Weights and Measures, we will design durable structures that can stand upright, using toothpicks and colored play dough.      

Play dough
Toothpicks (50 pieces) 

Weekday Online Learning Program
Thursday, Friday  


Online guided tour and workshop participation fee per person for private schools: 50 TL
Online guided tours and workshops are free of charge for public schools.  

Reservation is required for groups, which should include no less than 10 and no more than 60 participants. After confirmation of the reservation, the workshop link will be sent exclusively to the e-mail address submitted during registration.

Related Exhibition: Anatolian Weights and Measures

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A Photographer’s Biography Ali Sami Aközer

A Photographer’s Biography Ali Sami Aközer

Ali Sami is born in Rusçuk in 1866, and moves to İstanbul. Because his family is registered in the Beylerbeyi quarter of Üsküdar, Ali Sami is also called Üsküdarlı Ali Sami. He graduates from the Mühendishane-i Berri-i Hümayun in 1866 and becomes a teacher of painting and photography at the school.

A Photographer’s Biography Guillaume Berggren

A Photographer’s Biography Guillaume Berggren

Berggren acquires the techniques of photography in Berlin and holds different jobs in various European cities before arriving in İstanbul. Initially en route to Marseille, he disembarks from his ship in 1866 and settles in İstanbul, where he is to spend the rest of his life.

A Photographer’s Biography Pascal Sebah

A Photographer’s Biography Pascal Sebah

Following the opening of his studio, “El Chark Societe Photographic,” on Beyoğlu’s Postacılar Caddesi in 1857, the Levantine-descent Pascal Sébah moves to yet another studio next to the Russian Embassy in 1860 with a Frenchman named A. Laroche, who, apart from having worked in Paris previously, is also quite familiar with photographic techniques.