Color of Tastes

Pera Kids
Ages 9-10

  • April 24, 2021 / 11:45
  • April 25, 2021 / 11:45

In collaboration with Pera Museum Learning Programs and Contemporary Drama Association, we are looking forward to celebrating April 23 National Sovereignty and Children’s Day with online creative drama workshops. “What is art? What is aesthetics? What determines whether something is beautiful or ugly? Who makes this rule?” We search for answers to such questions, consider the concepts of beauty and ugliness, and discover a love of art through games developed using Web 2.0 tools!

Related Exhibition: A Question of Taste

Workshop led by: Contemporary Drama Association Volunteers

Capacity: 20 participants
Duration: 75 minutes

A4 paper (4 sheets)

The event is free of charge, registration is required.
Participants are required to bring their own workshop materials.
A participation certificate will be emailed to all participants. The event will take place on the Zoom Meeting app, with a guided virtual online exhibition tour followed by a workshop activity on the exhibition.

For more information:

in collaboration

Our quota is full, thank you for your interest.

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Today's Stories: Cihangir <br>Özge Baykan Calafato

Today's Stories: Cihangir
Özge Baykan Calafato

Inspired by the exhibition Istanbuls TodayToday's Stories series continues with Özge Baykan Calafato's story "Cihangir"! This series gathers short stories written by authors encouraged by the photographs in the exhibition.

Today's Stories: Felis <br> Hande Ortaç

Today's Stories: Felis
Hande Ortaç

Inspired by the exhibition Istanbuls Today, Today's Stories series continues with Hande Ortaç's story "Felis"! This series gathers short stories written by authors encouraged by the photographs in the exhibition.

Paula Rego in Istanbul!

Paula Rego in Istanbul!

We, by which I mean some of my classmates and I, knew about Paula Rego. I’ll have to admit, I didn’t know where Rego was from or even where in Europe Portugal was. I thought she was English. Let me tell you how I first heard the very un-English sounding name “Paula Rego”