Creative Thinking with Artist Gizem Candan

Pera Adult

  • October 1, 2021 / 19:00

Would you like to explore the world of plants that we constantly touch in our daily lives? In this workshop, we will make our plant self-portrait based on the plants around us or in our minds. Based on the classical bust form, we will translate our thoughts and feelings into clay and make half human/half plant sculptures. 

Air-dry clay (2 pcs.)
Clay starter kit (clay cutters)
Wooden skewers
Acrylic paint (optional) 

Related Exhibition: Confrontation
Capacity: 20 participants
Duration: 1.5 hours
Participation fee per workshop: 45 TL
Fee per workshop for students: 25 TL

Participants will receive a certificate of participation by e-mail.
The participants are required to bring their own materials to the workshop.
For events held on the Zoom Meeting application, the online guided exhibition tour will be followed by an exhibition-themed workshop. The link to the workshop will only be shared with ticketed participants.
Your camera and microphone must be turned on in order for the instructor to see the participants and give personalized instructions. Every participant who buys a ticket is considered to have accepted these conditions. 

For more information:

About Gizem Candan

Gizem Candan graduated from YeditepeUniversitysdepartments of Plastic Arts and Painting and Graphic Design. She then went to Toronto, Canada to complete the 3D Modeling and Visual Effects program at Humber College. Studying painting and design during her university education has had a significant influence on her art. In addition to the classical approach to painting, she also uses the media in her creation process. Using multidisciplinary techniques such as video, print and oil painting, sheexplores the human psyche. She usually takes inspiration from the events happening around her and the people in her life. She aims to capture moments and portray them in a new reality. She is currently based in Toronto.

This event is closed for bookings. Thank you for your interest.

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