Flaneur's Logbook

Pera Adult

  • July 28, 2024 / 15:30

Participants who visit PƎRⱯ Reverse are inspired by the work of Contact Zines, where each artist in the exhibition makes three-minute exploratory tours around Istanbul, taking notes and turning them into a collective sharing medium. Personal memory notebooks are designed in the workshop, which reflects on the relationship between collective memory and space. The notebooks designed by the participants in this workshop, where the places visited in the city are brought together with the tools of emotion and remembrance, continue to be shaped by the memories of each place visited after the workshop. 

Instructor: Damla Yalçın
Capacity: 12 people
Duration: 90 minutes
Fee per workshop: 300 TL 

The event will take place at the Pera Museum (face-to-face).
For more information: ogrenme@peramuzesi.org.tr

About Damla Yalçın
Damla Yalçın (1995, Ankara) graduated from Marmara University, Department of Painting. She completed her Master's Program at the Textile Department of the same university with her thesis on sustainability and biotextiles titled “The Place of Biotextiles in Art Practices”. Yalçın, who took part in many group exhibitions in Turkey and abroad (Germany, Poland, Korea, Hong Kong, Moldova, Italy, Cyprus), opened her first solo exhibition titled “Memory of the Unrememberable” at Krank Art Gallery in 2019. She took part in artist residency programs in Moldova and Italy and most recently at Gate27. She continues her life and production in Istanbul.

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