Indefinite Patterns

School Groups
Primary School


Do you know about geometric shapes like triangles, squares or rounds? And how about creating new shapes and patterns? No form and complete freedom... With inspiration from The Rodina’s Map of Empathic Society, we create free and unrestricted abstract patterns without any defined lines or shapes. We scrape paint with colors of our own choice to form color and pattern designs on paper. This workshop combines imagination and creativity while improving hand-eye coordination and fine motor skills.

A piece of cardboard (approx. 10x10 cm)
Watercolor paints
Water container
A4 or A3 white paper

Weekday Learning Programs for Primary & Middle School
Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday
10:00 - 10:30
10:45 - 11:15 
11:30 - 12:00 

Access is free, but reservation is required for our workshops to take place from October 20th through November 14th, 2020 as part of the 5th Istanbul Design Biennial, which we prepared in collaboration with İKSV Alt Kat, organized by the Istanbul Foundation for Culture and Arts (İKSV).

Only available for groups of 10 - 60. Reservation required. Upon confirmation of the reservation, the link to workshop is e-mailed exclusively to the address provided at registration.

Related Exhibition: 5th Istanbul Design Biennial

Photo Credit: Poyraz Tütün

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Memory Building Memories / Memory Room / Memento Mori

Memory Building Memories / Memory Room / Memento Mori

Each memory tells an intimate story; each collection presents us with the reality of containing an intimate story as well. The collection is akin to a whole in which many memories and stories of the artist, the viewer, and the collector are brought together. At the heart of a collection is memory, nurtured from the past and projecting into the future.

Modernity Building the Modern / Reshaping the Modern

Modernity Building the Modern / Reshaping the Modern

A firm believer in the idea that a collection needs to be upheld at least by four generations and comparing this continuity to a relay race, Nahit Kabakcı began creating the Huma Kabakcı Collection from the 1980s onwards. Today, the collection can be considered one of the most important and outstanding examples among the rare, consciously created, and long-lasting ones of its kind in Turkey.

Face to Face

Face to Face

A firm believer in the idea that a collection needs to be upheld at least by four generations and comparing this continuity to a relay race, Nahit Kabakcı began creating the Huma Kabakcı Collection from the 1980s onwards.