Miniature 2.0, Miniature in Contemporary Art Online Guided Exhibition Tour


  • November 24, 2020 / 19:00

Teachers will explore Miniature 2.0, Miniature in Contemporary Art exhibition in the digital environment, learning more about the works of art in guided tour.

Capacity: 80 

The event is free of charge. Reservation is required. 
The event will take place on Zoom Meeting application. 
Participants will be issued participation certificates via e-mail at the end of the event.

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Soothsayer Serenades I Beautiful People by Sarp Dakni

Soothsayer Serenades I Beautiful People by Sarp Dakni

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Soothsayer Serenades I Serenades to the Sun by Kornelia Binicewicz

Soothsayer Serenades I Serenades to the Sun by Kornelia Binicewicz

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Contemporary Ceramics From Around the World: 10 Artists, 10 Works

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