Miniature 2.0
Online Exhibition Tour

School Groups
High School


The online guided tour of the Miniature 2.0 exhibition for high school students is intended to spark a discussion of miniature as an art form with historical, social and aesthetic aspects that bridge the past and the future. Joined by students, we will explore the exhibition’s novel works of art by artists who take miniature beyond its heritage value and into the present day through video, photography and installation.

Weekday Online Learning Program for High School
Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday 


Online learning programs are free of charge for high school students. Reservation is required for groups, which should include no less than 10 and no more than 60 participants.After confirmation of the reservation, the workshop link will be sent exclusively to the e-mail address submitted during registration.

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Transition to Sculpture

Transition to Sculpture

If Manolo Valdés’s paintings convey a search for materiality, his sculpture does so even more. Today, sculpture has taken over most of his workspace, his time, and his efforts.

Louis Isadore Kahn (1901-1974)

Louis Isadore Kahn (1901-1974)

Louis Isadore Kahn was born in 1901 to a Jewish family in Pärnu, Russia (today Estonia), far from Philadelphia where he spent his whole life, worked, fell in love, and breathed his last. Kahn family emigrated to America when he was five years old. 

A Photographer’s Biography Ali Sami Aközer

A Photographer’s Biography Ali Sami Aközer

Ali Sami is born in Rusçuk in 1866, and moves to İstanbul. Because his family is registered in the Beylerbeyi quarter of Üsküdar, Ali Sami is also called Üsküdarlı Ali Sami. He graduates from the Mühendishane-i Berri-i Hümayun in 1866 and becomes a teacher of painting and photography at the school.