No-sew Patchwork: Painting with Fabric

Pera Young
Ages 13-17

  • April 1, 2023 / 13:30
  • April 29, 2023 / 13:30

This workshop is inspired by Paula Rego's large-sized work "Battle of Alcácer Quibir", designed using wool, silk, cotton and various textures on linen fabric. Participants first experience the exhibition with a guide and witness the magical stories of the artist; then, they reflect their imagination in their art by using various colors, patterns and types of fabrics.

Related Exhibition: Paula Rego: The Story of Stories 

Ages: 13-17
Capacity: 15 people
Duration: 90 minutes
Fee per workshop: 120 TL

This event will take place at the Pera Museum (face-to-face).
PERAcard FAMILY members are eligible for discount rates.

For more information:

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Have you noticed the gigantic photo on the facade of our building?

Have you noticed the gigantic photo on the facade of our building?

Have you noticed the gigantic photo on our façade? Our Cold Front from the Balkans exhibition focuses on different generations of artists and art groups from the Balkan region.



Pera Museum’s Cold Front from the Balkans exhibition curated by Ali Akay and Alenka Gregorič brings together contemporary artists from Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Kosovo, Macedonia, Montenegro, Romania, Serbia and Slovenia.

#VideoPopPera A Special Exhibition Tour

#VideoPopPera A Special Exhibition Tour

Pera Museum’s Instagram account was taken over by “This is Not A Love Song” exhibition’s project managers Fatma Çolakoğlu and Ulya Soley!