Children transfer the world of Calculations and Coincidences, which creates patterns with colors and shapes, onto their canvases. The workshop, led by Pley Studio, combines the artistic practices of three female pioneers of algorithmic art with inspiration from the traditional craft of hand weaving. Children first make holes in their canvases by creating computational gaps, then thread colored threads and fabrics through the holes and tie knots. At the end of the workshop, children create their woven works on canvas.
Instructor: Pley Studio
Capacity: 10 people
Duration: 90 minutes
Fee per workshop: 350 TL
The event will take place at the Pera Museum.
About Pley Studio
Pley is a creative design studio that is based on the concept of playfulness. Aiming to help people stretch possibilities and enter the magical circle—namely, a free and playful state of mind—Pley uses open-mindedness as a tool. Addressing the concept of 'homo ludens,' which advocates that humans are playful beings, Pley serves as a guide to the game, appealing to both children and adults who engage in play.
Pera Museum, in collaboration with Istanbul Foundation for Culture and Arts (İKSV), is one of the main venues for this year’s 15th Istanbul Biennial from 16 September to 12 November 2017. Through the biennial, we will be sharing detailed information about the artists and the artworks.
Tuesday - Saturday 10:00 - 19:00
Friday 10:00 - 22:00
Sunday 12:00 - 18:00
The museum is closed on Mondays.
On Wednesdays, the students can
visit the museum free of admission.
Full ticket: 300 TL
Discounted: 150 TL
Groups: 200 TL (minimum 10 people)