Portrait of Silhouette

Pera Enabled

In this workshop, after an instructor-led exhibition tour of Samih Rifat: “Much Is to Be Done”, students are introduced to Samih Rifat's black-and-white portrait photography. They learn the concept of the profile, which refers to the side view of a person's face and reflects the person's distinctive features, and then use black background cardboard, colored paints and wood printing plates to paint the portrait of their silhouettes.

Related Exhibition: Samih Rifat: “Much Is to Be Done”
Instructor: Müge Isıgöllü Sedola
Duration: 40 minutes (Online), 90 minutes (Face-to-face)
Capacity: 10 people

The event is free, reservation is required.
The event can take place at the Pera Museum (face-to-face) or online.

For detailed information and reservation: ogrenme@peramuzesi.org.tr

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The Chronicle of Sarajevo

The Chronicle of Sarajevo

Inspired by the great European masters, from Renaissance to Art Nouveau, Berber’s works exemplify the deep, opaque whites of his journeys through the fairy tale landscapes of Bosnia to the dark, macabre burrows of Srebrenica.

Midnight Horror Stories: <br> Witches’ Sun <br> Mehmet Berk Yaltırık

Midnight Horror Stories:
Witches’ Sun
Mehmet Berk Yaltırık

I walk over rocks hot as iron under the September sun. I can make out a few lines in the distance, and a few cracked rocks, but apart from those, not a single tree, not one plant

Midnight Horror Stories: The Landlord <br> Hakan Bıçakcı

Midnight Horror Stories: The Landlord
Hakan Bıçakcı

Three people sleeping side by side. On the uncomfortable seats of the stuffy airplane in the air. Three friends. I’m the friend in the window seat. The other two are a couple, Emre and Melisa. I’m alone, they are together. And another difference. I’ve only closed my eyes. They are asleep.