Power Flower Workshop

Pera Adult

  • July 28, 2023 / 19:00
  • August 4, 2023 / 19:00

Participants explore the captivating photographs of artefacts from ancient human history in the Isabel Muñoz: A New Story exhibition on a guided tour and have the chance to contemplate on culture and coexistence shaped by the contributions of various civilizations from prehistoric times to the present. For this workshop, participants are encouraged to reflect upon social identity, power, privilege, and oppression using "power flower" templates prepared for this workshop. Colorful markers and flower templates are used to visualize various fundamental aspects of identity and power.

The workshops will be in Turkish; translation will be available for Farsi and Arabic. 

Instructor: HRDF - İris Bilen
Capacity: 5 women
Duration: 90 minutes

The event is free of charge. Reservation is required.
The event will take place at the Pera Museum (face-to-face).

For more information: ogrenme@peramuzesi.org.tr

About HRDF
The Human Resource Development Foundation (HRDF) is a non-governmental organization that works in the fields of health, education and employment in order to contribute to human development. Prioritizing vulnerable groups since its establishment in 1988, HRDF has focused its efforts on promoting reproductive and sexual health, combating human trafficking, and international and temporary protection.

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Midnight Horror Stories: Pollens, Photosynthesis & Rock ‘N’ Roll <br> Murat Başekim

Midnight Horror Stories: Pollens, Photosynthesis & Rock ‘N’ Roll
Murat Başekim

Pera Museum Blog is launching a new series of creepy stories in collaboration with Turkey’s Fantasy and Science Fiction Arts Association (FABISAD). The Association’s member writers are presenting newly commissioned short horror stories inspired by the artworks of Mario Prassinos as part of the Museum’s In Pursuit of an Artist: Istanbul-Paris-Istanbul exhibition. The third story is by Murat Başekim! The stories will be published online throughout the exhibition. Stay tuned!

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Midnight Horror Stories: The Last Ferry
Galip Dursun

I remembered a game as I was waiting in the passenger lounge for the ferry to arrive just a few minutes ago. A game we used to play at home when I was young, in my country that is very far away from here, a relic from the distant past; I don’t even remember how we used to play it. The kind of game that makes me feel a thousand times lonelier than I already am among the crowd waiting to get on the ferry.

From Cypresses to Turkish Landscapes

From Cypresses to Turkish Landscapes

Among the most interesting themes in the oeuvre of Prassinos are cypresses, trees, and Turkish landscapes. The cypress woods in Üsküdar he saw every time he stepped out on the terrace of their house in İstanbul or the trees in Petits Champs must have been strong images of childhood for Prassinos.