Special for Mother’s Day: Wind Chime Design

Pera Adult

  • May 12, 2023 / 19:00

Pera Learning celebrates Mother's Day with an enjoyable workshop!

In the workshop inspired by the interactive sound installation Acoustic Horizon in the Intersecting Worlds: Ambassadors and Painters exhibition, mothers and their children design wind chimes that transform the breeze into natural tones. In the workshop, which will be held in cooperation with HRDF and where mothers can participate with their children or individually, immigrant and local participants come together around the experience of motherhood and the unifying of art.

Capacity: 5 adults and kids (7 years and older)

The event is free of charge. Reservation is required.
The event will take place at the Pera Museum (face-to-face).

For more information: ogrenme@peramuzesi.org.tr

in collaboration with

About HRDF
The Human Resource Development Foundation (HRDF) is a non-governmental organization that works in the fields of health, education and employment in order to contribute to human development. Prioritizing vulnerable groups since its establishment in 1988, HRDF has focused its efforts on promoting reproductive and sexual health, combating human trafficking, and international and temporary protection.

Our quota is full, thank you for your interest.

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Pera Museum’s  Cold Front from the Balkans exhibition curated by Ali Akay and Alenka Gregorič brings together contemporary artists from Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Kosovo, Macedonia, Montenegro, Romania, Serbia and Slovenia. 

Mark Požlep

Mark Požlep

Our Cold Front from the Balkans exhibition focuses on different generations of artists and art groups from the Balkan region. Throughout the exhibition, we keep sharing detailed information about the artworks. Take a look at Mark Požlep’s “Stranger than Paradise” video installation. Also you can check our interview with the artist on our YouTube channel! 

Have you noticed the gigantic photo on the facade of our building?

Have you noticed the gigantic photo on the facade of our building?

Have you noticed the gigantic photo on our façade? Our Cold Front from the Balkans exhibition focuses on different generations of artists and art groups from the Balkan region.