Spider: Style in Photography
Artist Workshop: Cemil Batur Gökçeer

Pera Adult

  • January 10, 2020 / 19:30

We all collect dozens of photos from the venues, cities and countries that we visit, in digital format. How about making a selection of these photos that harbor our memories, and reinterpreting and editing them to form a nonverbal story?

We begin the workshop with an interpretation-oriented tour of the exhibition, highlighting the relations between the 10 photographers and their production venues, and the way they handle their subjects. The participants will interpret the photos together with the workshop director, photographer Cemil Batur Gökçeer, focusing on the artists' styles. We intend to familiarize ourselves with their use of various elements of photographic language, and the methods revealed through their works on display.

During the workshop, we will examine participants' selections of their own photographs of travel and discovery, and being in a different location -the essence of the current exhibition at Pera Museum. Through these debates on style, the participants will look at their photos under a new light and work on formulating an expressive language that they feel comfortable with. We believe that the participants may be guarding previously overlooked clues and secrets about their photos, and about their relation with the time and place that these photos belong to. By allowing participants to reflect upon different modes of expression, this workshop will constitute an exercise to help them uncover their unique style.

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Pera Museum presented a talk on Nicola Lorini’s video installation For All the Time, for All the Sad Stones, bringing together the artists Nicola Lorini, Gülşah Mursaloğlu and Ambiguous Standards Institute to focus on concepts like measuring, calculation, standardisation, time and change.



Having penetrated the Balkans in the fourteenth century, conquered Constantinople in the fifteenth, and reached the gates of Vienna in the sixteenth, the Ottoman Empire long struck fear into European hearts. 

From the Age of Reason to the “Tortoise Trainer”

From the Age of Reason to the “Tortoise Trainer”

A Salon exhibition held in the Grand Palais in Paris on May 1, 1906 showcased an Ottoman painting. This was Osman Hamdi Bey’s famous “Tortoise Trainer”.