The Memory of Fabrics: Embroidery Workshop

Pera Adult

  • April 14, 2023 / 19:00

Can the fabrics we use at home and the motifs we embroider become objects of personal and collective resistance and memory? Which motifs and sentences can we convey today's agenda and memory to fabrics? In the workshop, which will be conducted by the artist Gözde İlkin, who works with fabric, photography and stories, the participants first get information about the motifs of fabrics from different geographies, their usage areas and their place in the process of transferring social-cultural memory. Then, the participants bring together a word or sentence that defines today, inspired by personal life stories or the world agenda, with visual compositions created from the templates prepared by the artist, on fabric.

Related Exhibition: Paula Rego: The Story of Stories

Ages: 18 years and older
Capacity: 20 people
Duration: 120 minutes
Fee per workshop: 150 TL
Fee per workshop for students: 75 TL

The event will take place at the Pera Museum (face-to-face).

PERA card FAMILY members are eligible for discount rates.
For more information:

About Gözde İlkin
Gözde İlkin (1981, Kütahya) completed her undergraduate education at Mimar Sinan Fine Arts University Painting Department in 2004 and her master's degree at Marmara Fine Arts Faculty Painting Department in 2012. She is working on found home fabrics, tablecloths, curtains, sheets, etc., which are memory objects that represent social identity and processes. She uses these fabrics as a space for staging the motifs and images she produces. Her motifs and drawings on fabrics depict today's cultural knowledge, political and social relations, and gender issues. İlkin follows nature's tracks to discover different forms of a sense of belonging, with its nature-inspired forms, it follows the converging healing and transformative effects of plants, animals and humans. She has recently begun to design fabrics as a stage where she can live with drawing, sewing and sound. While designing her forms, she reflects on experiences, movement and affect, and multidisciplinary coexisting concepts. Gözde İlkin continues to work in Istanbul.

Artwork label:
1. Mistletoe / 2021 / 92 x 93 cm
Embroidery on vintage bundle fabrics

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