Ways of Seeing the City: Storytelling

Pera Adult

  • March 17, 2024 / 14:00

Led by writer and storyteller Ekin Can Göksoy, the workshop examines the changes and continuities in the urban dweller’s perspective of the city, from Late Medieval and Early Modern maps to contemporary photography. The workshop explores the historical transformation of methods of perception before and during the transition to modernity, as well as the evolution of viewing methods that emerged with technological advancements. Following a guided tour of the On the Spot: Panoramic Gaze on Istanbul, a History, participants attempt to create a verbal story or narrative that includes and highlights the transformation of the view of the city and the city itself, where the city plays a starring role.

Note: Participants are kindly requested to share their city photographs or drawings with the email address ogrenme@peramuzesi.org.tr. These photos/drawings can be landscapes of the city, as well as visuals reflecting the city at street level.

Instructor: Ekin Can Göksoy
10 people
Duration: 90 minutes
Fee per workshop: 300 TL
Fee per workshop for students: 150 TL (Participants are requested to show their student IDs at the entrance.)

The event will take place at the Pera Museum (face-to-face).
For more information: ogrenme@peramuzesi.org.tr

About Ekin Can Göksoy
Writer and storyteller. In 2014, his first book, Münhal, a collection of short stories, and in 2016, his first novel, Epope Tatavla, were published by İletişim Publishing. Since 2017, he has been telling stories and participating in performances organized by the Artship Foundation in İstanbul and San Francisco. In 2018, he opened his exhibition, A Chance for a Miracle, with Larissa Araz at poşe, İstanbul. In 2020, he was the writer-in-residence at Camargo Foundation under Be Mobile Create Together project; became the co-facilitator of Garp Sessions, a research program bringing artists and thinkers together. Göksoy is pursuing his Ph.D. in urban history at Boğaziçi University Department of History.

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