Weaving with Colorful Fabric

Pera Kids
Ages 7-12

  • January 28, 2021 / 13:00
  • February 2, 2021 / 13:00
  • February 9, 2021 / 13:00
  • February 13, 2021 / 13:00

Have you ever thought about weaving your own fabric? It is not at all difficult; all it takes is some thread, a few basic materials and knowledge of the weaving technique. In this workshop, inspired by the fabrics used by artists Adrien Vescovi, Güneş Terkol, Paul Maheke and Ilana Halperin in the exhibition Crystal Clear, we first prepare a weaving loom before designing our own colorful fabric to experience weaving as a tool of artistic expression.

Related Exhibition: Crystal Clear

Sturdy cardboard, sized 25x20 cm
Colorful threads (yarn or other thick threads)
Weaving needle (a needle with a thin tip and a wide hole, or alternatively, a bobby pin)
Plastic comb or fork

Workshop led by: Ceyda Yakacık
Age Group: 7-12
Capacity: 20 participants
Duration: 1 hour 

Fee per Workshop: 80 TL

A participation certificate will be emailed to all participants.The event will be held using the Zoom Meeting application, the workshop on the exhibition will be held following an online tour of the exhibition with a guide.

The participants’ cameras and microphones need to be enabled so that the instructor can see the participants and make participant-specific suggestions. The materials to be used in the workshop will be provided by participants themselves. Each participant’s consent is assumed upon registration.

50% discount on Pera Kids workshops for PERAcard family!
For more information: ogrenme@peramuzesi.org.tr

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The Captive Sultan

The Captive Sultan

The war fought by the Greeks to shake off the Turkish yoke was closely observed around Europe and, this being the era of romanticism, the events taking place around Greece between 1821 and 1832 became a symbol for national liberation struggle.

At The Well

At The Well

Tadeusz Ajdukiewicz discovered the Orient in 1877, touring Syria, Egypt, Turkey, and the Crimea with Władysław Branicki. This experience made a profound impression on him, and he was to continuously revisit Eastern themes in his works for the rest of his life. 

Game of Mangala

Game of Mangala

Three figures in Eastern dress are shown in repose against an exotic landscape, smoking pipes and playing mangala. Inventories of the royal collections from 1739 identify the members of this group as the royal eunuch Matthias and two odalisques.