Women Paintings Stories

Transformation of the image of “woman” in Turkish painting in the modernization era

Art history, one of the liveliest and most exciting branches of knowledge of our times, emphasizes the need to continually re-examine, re-evaluate and re-interpret its primary ingredient - art works of the past. From fresh perspectives in the light of current information, thought and theory about these works, to the discourse of knowledge that surrounds a work of art and is continually adapted.  Women, Paintings, Stories / transformation of the image of “woman” in Turkish painting within the modernization era, was the product of just such an inclination and re-interpretation. In this exhibition and catalogue, more than fifty works chosen from a variety of public institutions and private collections spanning the era from the Meşrutiyet / Second Constitution through the Republic, a voyage through the years was embarked upon, during which, the Turkish art of painting underwent a movement towards contemporaneity, within the framework of an exceptional and extremely meaningful theme, a reinterpretation of the transformation of the image of 'woman'.

Date of Publication: 2006
Number of pages:

7 A Fresh Look at the Modernization Era in Turkish Painting
Suna & İnan Kıraç

8-85 The Existence of the Other: Every Painting Tells a Story / Transformation of the Image of Women in Modern Turkey
Zeynep Yasa Yaman

86-195 Catalogue

197 Bibliography

Women Paintings Stories

Art history, one of the liveliest and most exciting branches of knowledge of our times, emphasizes the need to continually re-examine, re-evaluate and re-interpret its primary ingredient - art works of the past.

Women Paintings Stories