Dancing Alone

  • April 30, 2019 / 19:00
  • May 11, 2019 / 14:00

Director: Biene Pilavcı
Germany, 2012, 98', color
Danish with Turkish subtitles

This sweeping visual investigation was prompted by the question, "After many years of hatred and extreme violence in our family, can my four siblings and I manage to forge sound relationships with other people, even though our parents and their parents before them were unable to?" Biene Pilavci deftly manoeuvres between the cliffs of contradictory certainties in her film. On the one hand there is the burden of the family we are born into and whose weight we are forced to carry, on the other hand there is the freedom to make decisions for oneself (or others), not resigned to fate but following one's own inner compass. The longer you watch it, the more it seems as if "Dancing Alone" wasn't planned at all but more or less happened to all those involved -- an open-ended experiment. "I doubt whether this is a good thing", says the director, "but I guess it had to happen."

In the Mirror of Maya Deren

In the Mirror of Maya Deren



Dancing Alone

Dancing Alone



Matangi / Maya / M.I.A.

Matangi / Maya / M.I.A.

Belonging and Companionship

Belonging and Companionship


Dancing Alone

Today's Stories: Cihangir <br>Özge Baykan Calafato

Today's Stories: Cihangir
Özge Baykan Calafato

Inspired by the exhibition Istanbuls TodayToday's Stories series continues with Özge Baykan Calafato's story "Cihangir"! This series gathers short stories written by authors encouraged by the photographs in the exhibition.

The Chronicle of Sarajevo

The Chronicle of Sarajevo

Inspired by the great European masters, from Renaissance to Art Nouveau, Berber’s works exemplify the deep, opaque whites of his journeys through the fairy tale landscapes of Bosnia to the dark, macabre burrows of Srebrenica.

At the Order of the Padishah

At the Order of the Padishah

In this piece, Żmurko presents an exotic image of a harem chamber, replete with gleaming fabrics and scattered jewels, as a setting for the statuesquely beautiful body of an odalisque murdered “at the order of the padishah”.