Soul Train

  • October 22, 2017 / 14:00
  • October 27, 2017 / 20:30

Director: Nermin Hamzagić
Bosnia and Herzegovina, 2016, 78', color
Bosnian with Turkish subtitles


Soul Train hits you like a truck from the very first second, and it doesn’t stop until the very end. You will see a side of Bosnia you don’t see very often in film. This high-energy and highly entertaining (and at times humorous) film is described as the first-ever film to tell stories about Bosnian hip-hop and rap music and the leading Bosnian artists and musicians behind the genre. For five days, rappers Frankie and Kontra, DJ Soul and music producer Billain traveled more than 500 kilometers, visit Tuzla, Banja Luka, Zenica, Sarajevo, Mostar and Konjic, meeting musicians from Bosnia and Herzegovina. On the road, they recorded sounds and created new songs.



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Whose is this song?

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Soul Train

Soul Train


Soul Train

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