Spirits of the Dead

  • October 26, 2013 / 17:00
  • October 27, 2013 / 15:00

Director: Federico Fellini, Louis Malle, Roger Vadim
Cast: Jane Fonda, Terence Stamp, Brigitte Bardot, Peter Fonda, Alain Delon
France, Italy 121’, 1968, color
French and English with Turkish subtitles

An irresistible and guilty pleasure, this anthology based on stories by Edgar Allan Poe is a rare opportunity to see three of the biggest names in 1960s European film direction working in the short form. They're also plain outrageous. Roger Vadim's Metzengerstein stars real-life siblings Jane and Peter Fonda perversely cast as lovers. Louis Malle's William Wilson is an in-your-face take on Poe's classic doppelgänger fable. Finally, Fellini's Toby Dammit proves to be the most interesting piece in the trio, featuring Terence Stamp in a terrific performance as an actor at the end of his rope (the equivalent of Mastroianni's burned-out director in Fellini's 8½), who has come to Rome to star as Christ in a New Testament Western. Dense with Fellini's dreamy textures and iconic clutter, Toby Dammit is a fun experience.

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Spirits of the Dead

Spirits of the Dead

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Spirits of the Dead



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