The City

  • March 29, 2023 / 19:00

Director: Merlyn Solakhan
Cast: Aygen Baktır, Kahraman Baktır, Nevzat Açıkgöz, Duygu Tansı
Germany, 1983, 60', HDD, b&w
German, Turkish with Turkish subtitles 

“An insight one has gained should be tied to a place in this world, a stay, a sojourn. A little bit of world, some smell, form and colour, should be included. This makes insights tangible. Because it should be things, that have conveyed the insight. Place, time - should always be there. Truth is temporal and spatial.

The film can’t be speaker, reciter; it’d rather be expression and inspiration to get to an opening, to the opening of one’s ears.” – Merlyn Solakhan, Martin Manz

The Immortal

The Immortal

The City

The City

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İstanbul: Before & After

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Marcel Duchamp’s Bicycle Wheel

Marcel Duchamp’s Bicycle Wheel

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Explore the Museum with the Little Yellow Circle!

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