Welcome to This House

  • January 24, 2016 / 15:00

Director: Barbara Hammer
Cast: Kathleen Chalfant, Barbara Hammer, Erin Miller
USA, Brazil,Canada, 2015, 79’, color, DCP/BluRay
English with Turkish subtitles 

“Home is where the heart is,” the well-known idiom says. It is almost as if Barbara Hammer, one of the pioneers of queer cinema, has traced this idiom in her documentary on the life of renowned poet Elizabeth Bishop, as “Welcome to This House” delves into the various houses and love affairs that Bishop lived in and experienced throughout the years. Known for her experimental documentaries, Hammer sets up a brilliant relationship between sound and sight so as to let us feel what it is like to live in these places. We set out on a journey into the unknown parts of Bishop’s private life through photographs and interviews done with those who personally got to know this legendary poet. “Welcome to This House” is an experience that literature lovers as well as cinephiles should not miss.



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