You Are God

  • December 20, 2014 / 15:00
  • December 27, 2014 / 19:00

Director: Leszek Dawid
Cast: Marcin Kowalczyk, Dawid Ogrodnik, Tomasz Schuchardt

Poland; 110’, 2012, color
Polish with Turkish subtitles

The late 1990s brought a revolution to the Polish music scene. Psychedelic rap, almost overnight, stormed the charts that for the first decade after the fall of the Soviet Union were dominated by American hits and the homegrown ‘disco-polo’ genre. Two groups in particular became household names– Kaliber 44 and Paktofonika. What both had in common was the association with the charismatic Magik. They dominated the Polish rap scene until the rapper’s suicide on 26 December 2000, when the young artist fell to his death from the window of his ninth-floor flat in a Katowice council estate. You Are God is an impressive attempt at capturing the spirit of the time in which Magik lived and recorded. New, young faces were selected for the main roles, a choice rarely made in Polish filmmaking, dominated by a handful of big names dominating both cinema and TV productions.

You Are God

You Are God

Suicide Room

Suicide Room

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Mother Teresa of Cats

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Floating Skyscrapers

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33 Scenes from Life


You Are God

Have you noticed the gigantic photo on the facade of our building?

Have you noticed the gigantic photo on the facade of our building?

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At The Well

At The Well

Tadeusz Ajdukiewicz discovered the Orient in 1877, touring Syria, Egypt, Turkey, and the Crimea with Władysław Branicki. This experience made a profound impression on him, and he was to continuously revisit Eastern themes in his works for the rest of his life. 

The Welcoming of Venetian Balios to Ottoman Lands

The Welcoming of Venetian Balios to Ottoman Lands

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