Cultural Detectives: Conservation Game

Pera Kids
Ages 9-12

  • July 19, 2023 / 10:30

Could artefacts "get sick" as we do? But do they have "doctors" too? Why is our cultural heritage valuable, and how can we protect it? This workshop seeks answers to such questions with an approach that is sensory experience-oriented, while the kind of work done to protect the artefacts in the background of museology is experienced together with the children. With an interdisciplinary structure, the "protection" area, which provides a colourful gamification opportunity for children, is discovered through fun videos, digital games, puzzles, experiments and creative drama activities.

Instructor: Studio Cultia - İdil Bilgin
Capacity: 12 people
Duration: 90 minutes
Fee per workshop: 300 TL

The event will take place at the Pera Museum (face-to-face).

For more information:

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