Origami Cup Design

Pera Kids
Ages 10-12

Origami is the art of folding a sheet of paper into a figure, without cutting or gluing it. Did you know that you could make a cup from paper with origami? By following the steps of folding, you can transform a paper sheet into a coffee cup without a handle, like the ones on display in the Coffee Break exhibit. You can paint and decorate your finished cup, and maybe even add a handle or a saucer. If you want to share your creation on social media, don’t forget to use the #PeraLearning hashtag…

Related Exhibition: Coffee Break

Illustrator: İpek Kay
Game Writer: 
Neray Çeşme

This program is presented especially for the 100th anniversary of the April 23 National Sovereignty and Children’s Day, inspired by Pera Museum's digital exhibitions.

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