Philosophy for Kids: Philosophers on Exploration

Pera Kids
Ages 10-12

  • January 30, 2021 / 13:00
  • February 5, 2021 / 13:00

Have you ever wondered what’s behind everyday phenomena? Shall we explore beyond the visible? In this workshop, inspired by the exhibition Crystal Clear, we examine and question these phenomena. We look at objects and ask from a philosophical perspective what they mean for us, how we perceive them, and how they were named. We improve our abstract and concrete thinking, as well as our oral communication skills.

Related Exhibition: Cystal Clear

Workshop led by: Seda Acar, Mini Filozofi
Age Group: 10-12
Capacity: 20 participants
Duration: 1 hour 

Fee per Workshop: 80 TL

A participation certificate will be emailed to all participants.

The event will be held using the Zoom Meeting application, the workshop on the exhibition will be held following an online tour of the exhibition with a guide.

The participants’ cameras and microphones need to be enabled so that the instructor can see the participants and make participant-specific suggestions. Each participant’s consent is assumed upon registration.

50% discount on Pera Kids workshops for PERAcard family!
For more information:

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Contemporary Ceramics From Around the World: 10 Artists, 10 Works

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Good News from the Skies

Good News from the Skies

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Barbara Kruger’s Practice on Power, Capitalism, Identity, and Gender

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