Soil to Adornment: Decorative Embroidery

Pera Adult

  • August 6, 2023 / 14:00

Participants apply embroidery techniques such as embroidery punch on a pre-designed pattern, needle felting, appliqué with leather pieces, wood beadwork, and Ghiordes knotting on a pattern composed of visuals from the Isabel Muñoz: A New Story exhibition. While working on their fabrics, participants immerse themselves in the enchanting photographs of Göbeklitepe, Karahantepe, and Sayburç, discovering the meanings and contemporary uses of the animal symbols present in the photographs. 

Note: No prior embroidery experience is required

Instructor: Melike Güven

Capacity: 10 people
Duration: 180 minutes
Fee per workshop: 200 TL

The event will take place at the Pera Museum (face-to-face).
For more information:

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Wondrous Cures in Constantinople

Wondrous Cures in Constantinople

The shrines that created the glory of Constantinople through their lavish beauty were also repositories of precious relics and thus sources of healing. 

Demons, Symbols, and the Cosmos

Demons, Symbols, and the Cosmos

Beliefs surrounding illness and healing in Byzantium stem from the myths, astrology, and magic practiced around the Mediterranean by Jews, Egyptians, Mesopotamians, and Greeks.

Serpent Head

Serpent Head

The Greek god Apollo and his son Asklepios presided over the realm of medicine and healing. Apollo was also the god of light and sun, whose solar symbolism and association with medicine would become linked to Christ the Physician, and the resurrected.