Symbol Dictionary

School Groups
Middle School


What do symbols and patterns express? Outside of the mathematical symbols and patterns on plates, what are some other symbols and patterns you come across every day? After a guided tour of the “Coffee Break” exhibition from the Suna and İnan Kıraç Foundation Kütahya Tiles and Ceramics Collection, we study the motifs and patterns found on the rose-water bottles, mugs, coffee cups and pitchers. We then go on to make a visual dictionary of the symbols and patterns and talk about the meaning of these images.  

Drawing paper
Colored pencils 

Weekday Online Learning Program
Thursday, Friday  


Online guided tour and workshop participation fee per person for private schools: 50 TL
Online guided tours and workshops are free of charge for public schools.  

Reservation is required for groups, which should include no less than 10 and no more than 60 participants. After confirmation of the reservation, the workshop link will be sent exclusively to the e-mail address submitted during registration.

Related Exhibition: Coffee Break

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Il Cavallo di Leonardo

Il Cavallo di Leonardo

In 1493, exactly 500 years ago, Leonardo da Vinci was finishing the preparations for casting the equestrian monument (4 times life size), which Ludovico il Moro, Duke of Milan commissioned in memory of his father some 12 years earlier. 

Marcel Duchamp’s Bicycle Wheel

Marcel Duchamp’s Bicycle Wheel

In 1998 Ben Jakober and Yannick Vu collaborated on an obvious remake of Marcel Duchamp’s Roue de Bicyclette, his first “readymade” object. Duchamp combined a bicycle wheel, a fork and a stool to create a machine which served no purpose, subverting accepted norms of art. 

Portrait of a Bullfighter (1797)

Portrait of a Bullfighter (1797)

The man is depicted in three-quarters view, turning straight to the viewers with a penetrating glance. The background is grey, while the clothes, the hair, and cap are black.