Around the World Under Glass
Around the World Under Glass
October 26, 2005 - January 8, 2006

A certain commonality from one country to another is inevitably in the work of folk artists from a shared artistic tradition. The naïve and pure-hearted quality of folk art is born of a common life lived on the land in close harmony with nature. Similarities and a shared tradition notwithstanding, the works created by folk artists are richly diverse.

Jean Dubuffet
Jean Dubuffet
Encounter with a Major XXth century Artist
October 26, 2005 - January 8, 2006

Imprinting fascinated Jean Dubuffet for over forty years and is an integral part of his creative oeuvre. Throughout his life, in certain intense and active phases, he would not cease to explore the range of different techniques that could be utilized in printing and most of all those of lithography, interpreting and inventing new methods, as to better meet his needs. 

Young Expansion in Contemporary Turkish Art
Young Expansion in Contemporary Turkish Art
June 8 - September 30, 2005

The Young Expansion in Contemporary Art exhibition opened as one of the events organised in association with the International Art Association's Third European General Assembly, which was held at Pera Museum, June 16th -18th, 2005. The exhibition presented works by 61 artists, all under the age of 35.