On the Spot
On the Spot
Panoramic Gaze on Istanbul, a History
October 26, 2023 - August 18, 2024

The exhibition aims to shed new light on the history of Istanbul’s representations through panoramic paintings and photographs. It critically approaches the history of the "panorama" and contextualizes its many iterations. While examining the layered relationships in the production and consumption of panoramic images, the exhibition also explores the circulation of these images among different audiences, their receptions, and the connections between various media that have gained popularity over centuries.

Souvenirs of the Future
Souvenirs of the Future
October 26, 2023 - April 28, 2024

The exhibition focuses on the memories recalled through objects whilst exploring the connections between memory and future imaginings through a contemporary lens. The cultural and symbolic value and significance of objects taken as souvenirs, those that remind us of a certain place and time, or those that are collected, weave together personal journeys and the memory of the region. Instead of a nostalgic attachment to the past, it proposes contemplating how the future will be remembered and focuses on memory's future-oriented functions.

Isabel Muñoz: A New Story
Isabel Muñoz: A New Story
Photographs From and Around Göbeklitepe
June 15 - September 17, 2023

Isabel Muñoz is a photographer dedicated to capturing the essence of Göbeklitepe and its surroundings, believed to be the oldest place of worship in the world. Her photographs transcend mere documentation, capturing ethereal and mesmerizing imagery of astonishing ruins and monumental megaliths that exist in a realm between mystery and artistry. They humbly pay homage to these majestic scenes.